Our history
A word from the President

I hope you will find the informations that you were looking for and even those you didn’t expected.
In 2004 I was called to take up a challenge in Chimilin for a company in the fold of Schneider Electric : Mafelec. At this time, Mafelec was a well known company, but without ambition anymore and which was seeking to reinvent itself. After having passed one year with the partner clients in France and worldwilde, I understood the main skill of this company with 60 years of experience in specific applications (railway, industrial vehicles, energy, military, elevator, aeronautics…). I’ve seen then the potential and wanted to initiate everything in order to guide this team towards a leader future. In 2006, Mafelec acquisition… A new start…
What we do :
We develop control and signalization solutions for harsh environments. From push bouton to switch, from complete desk to door control solution, Mafelec teams offer the most suitable solutions for our partners needs.
Business project in progress :
We are conscient of a need of very high quality without forgetting the necessity to improve our productivity, while remaining very reactiv. In order to answer to these expectations, we’ve launched some strategic projects of reconsideration like Lean Manufacturing and Lean Development. The results are visible and our action is resolutely long term. Our ambition is to prevent reactively the increasingly various problems ouf our partner.
We are leader in France and invest to become a world leader.
Today, I’m proud to be able to see that this team grows up in skills and is ready to take up challenges. We are now nearly 450 mobilized people : 230 in Mafelec, a hundred in Petercem and StopCircuit, about sixty in Comtronic and about twenty in Full Electronic System. We’ve doubled our revenues in 10 years, the half is realized by the exportation, what is un strong sign of recognition and trust from our clients.
The chosen and mastered growth :
This one who doesn’t advance, can’t progress anymore. The growth in terms of revenues, skills, products ranges, presence on several geographical markets, allows us to reposition ourselves on our niche markets and thus to bring a better service to our partners. The world is progressing, Mafelec is a stakeholder of this change et wants to play a decisive card.
Our values :
A PCR spirit.
Our Positive, Creative, Reactive spirit always allows us to rebound on subjects. It’s constructive reconsideration which allows better next days. This spirit is not banal and innocuous but requires high work on itself. We accompany our teams in this direction. A modern company doesn’t matter without its essence : women and men who get up together every day around this project. Our values are based on a strong human background oriented towards a long term vision. We think that today we can’t win with a short term vision.
Our company has high technical values :
From optics to electromagnetism, our experts will answer as soon as possible to the questions from our partners. We are constantly in search of most innovative solutions… Our laboratory will certificate the best quality by testing solutions by the most extrem conditions and thus allows our partners to be more efficient. We aspire to zero defects and we have set up appropiate indicators permetting us a better driving and a continuous improvement of the project.
Quality is not a luxury, it’s a duty.
In Mafelec, there are women and men, an entire team on deck, working alongside our partners as reinforcement in a win/win relationship. We gain in competence, in influence and in expertise, you win a service…
Our ambition :
We want to put adapted solutions, tailor-made solutions for all our partners in the world, those who are looking fort technical, economic and ergonomic efficiency. All these years of work and reconsideration will allow them to assert their leadership. Thus we will become a world leader. We will stay true to our values which are on the origins of our success : our human vision of business, our commitment to skill and constant research of improvement. If these values are important and familiar for you, come to visit us and share with our teams… We are always looking for new talents : don’t hesitate !
See you soon,
Gilles Heinrich
President and CEO
The 1950s

French Alps Manufacture (Manufacture des Alpes Française in french – MAF) created in 1947 in Grenoble by M. MATHONET. A staff of 4 people. In 1955 the headquarters and the workshop are transfered in Chimilin by André RICHIER. MAF had only two important clients :
- The Franch Navy (warships)
- The Merchant Navy (France liner, oil tanks)

The 1960s

In 1960s, new products appeared : C22; C800, K800 (commutator range) allowed MAF to access to car manufacturers’ market like Peugeot, Renault, Citroën. The staff grew, we were 91 peoples now.

The 1970s

Our main products are referenced by big companies like : EDF, SNCF and RATP. The staff regularly grew and in 1977 we reached 117 employees.
We participated in european trade fairs where we presented our range of products and created a demonstration truck !

The 1980s

During the 1980s, the C22 range modernized.
in 1989, MAF was equiped with a serigraphy and keybords manufacturing workshop.

The 1990s

The company’s offices were expanding. The company develops new ranges like control boxes with the creation of lift buttons for ou new partner OTIS.
In 1998, Mafelec became a new company in Schneider Electric group.

The 2000s

The production developped itself with the construction of a new building, shipping docks and a new shop.

The year 2006
Our President, Gilles HEINRICH bought the company in 2006 ! Mafelec reconnected with its historical clients and layed the foundations of a new PCR spirit : Positive, Creative, Reactive.
Seminars, recruitments, open house days, international fairs and development of new products are part of Mafelec’s daily life.
In 2009, our export zone expanded thanks to our presence in 19 countries. We continued also our continuous improvement policy with the implementation of lean manufacturing and robotic production on big series.
In 2009-2010, two companies joined the Mafelec family :

PETERCEM, expert in microcontact solutions for aeronautics

STOPCIRCUIT, expert in machine and human security
In 2015, two other companies joined us :

COMTRONIC, expert in interfaces Human/Machine in aeronautics

FULL ELECTRONIC SYSTEM, electronic engineering office
En 2017 :

PETERCEM SENSORS, specialist in current and voltage sensors, which completes ou range of products.

In 2018, creation of a joint venture in China : MAFELEC CHINA

In 2021, German company TSL ESCHA Gmbh, a specialist in pushbuttons, warning devices and traffic lights, joins the MAFELEC TEAM family.
In 2024, MAFELEC TEAM entered a new phase in its international development with the creation of a new Polish entity, MAFELEC TEAM Polska. This new member of the MAFELEC TEAM family will enable us to better meet the needs of our international customers and Polish industry by offering local support for their innovation and development projects.
Today, MAFELEC TEAM is composed of 9 companies with clients on various environments like railway, bus, industrial vehicles, energy, industry, aeronautics, defense and elevator. Our range of products are reliable, rugged and can be totally adapted to our clients needs.
To be contiued…!